BET Teachers’ Felicitation Ceremony: Honoring Dedication, Excellence, and Lifelong Commitment

To recognize the commitment and perseverance BET Teachers’ felicitation ceremony for our dedicated teachers was organized in Birla Balika Vidyapeeth on 3rd September 2024.
Highlighting the incredible dedication and efforts par excellence in CBSE Class XII Board Results 2024, the teachers were felicitated at the function. The teachers honored were - Mrs. Anita Mishra, Mrs. Nirmala Sehrawat, Ms. Vipasha Speake, Mrs. Ruchi Mani, Mr. Shobhit Daga, Mrs. Ruchi, Mrs. Sita Arun Kumar, Mrs. Swapna Mathew and Mrs. Vandana Tiwari.
For achieving Benchmark Results and Excellence in Class X, Mrs. Nisha Pareek, Mrs. Kalpana Soni, Mrs. Nandita Saha, Mrs. Padma Singh, Mr. Rajesh Mishra, Mrs. Savitri Dhayal, Mrs. Sonam Saini, Mrs. Suman Shekhawat and Mrs. Vinay Dubey were felicitated at the function.
In a world where change is the only constant, and careers often take unpredictable turns, the milestone of 25 years of dedicated service is a remarkable achievement. It represents a quarter-century of unwavering commitment, passion, and perseverance in the noblest of professions – teaching. During this felicitation ceremony three exceptional teachers were honored for achieving this milestone. The awardees were- Mrs. Anita Mishra, Mrs. Bagampriyal and Mrs. Renu Sharma who were felicitated for their remarkable perseverance over the years.
‘The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.’
To recognize the teachers for their exceptional performance, BET Teachers’ felicitation ceremony for our dedicated teachers was organized in Birla Balika Vidyapeeth on 3rd September 2024.
Exceptional performance not only drives results but also inspires others to strive for excellence and the testament was the Performance Award given to Mrs. Nisha Pareek and Mrs. Bagampriyal for their strong work ethic, unwavering commitment and exemplary performance.
The Prof V S Rao Foundation was established in 2016, committed to recognize the credibility of the institutes where the President of the foundation, Prof V S Rao and his daughters initiated a special award in the form of 'Pro V.S. Rao Foundation' award, for the Most Inspiring Teacher. This year in the said category the teachers honored were Mrs. Sita Arun Kumar and Dr. Rajneesh Prajapat of Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani.
In memory of Col. V N Ratnakar, special category of award was given to Mrs. Anita Mishra of Birla Balika Vidyapeeth for her untiring dedication and relentless performance. Mrs. Meenakshi Ratnakar and the family members felicitated her for the commendable achievement and addressed the gathering by highlighting the pivotal role that a teacher plays in nurturing and mentoring the students to impact their lives in the most positive manner.
BET Teachers’ felicitation ceremony was followed by a cultural extravaganza for our enthusiastic teachers on 3rd September 2024 with great enthusiasm and reverence in Birla Balika Vidyapeeth. The program included several musical and dance performances by the BET teachers, which was well-received by the audience. The event was a mix of traditional and modern songs, which kept the audience engaged and entertained. The highlight of the show was the most entertaining performances by the teachers of Birla Balika Vidyapeeth who enthralled the audience with their mesmerizing song and dance. Overall, the cultural program organized by the teachers was a huge success.
The Chief Guest Major General S.S. Nair (AVSM), Director, Birla Education Trust Pilani, in his address, applauded the awardee teachers and acknowledged them for their special achievements.
Dr. M Kasturi, Principal, Birla Balika Vidyapeeth highly praised the extraordinary educators and proclaimed with pride that Birla Balika Vidyapeeth is committed to recognizing and rewarding the hard work of our teachers who are instrumental in shaping our students’ future.
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